Copyright © 2012 NEXCOM International Co., Ltd. All rights reserved
EBC 354 User Manual
Chapter 3: BIOS Setup
South Bridge
This section is used to configure the south bridge features.
Azalia Controller
Enables or disables the Azalia HD audio.
SMBus Controller
Enables or disables the SMBus controller.
High Precision Timer
Enables or disables the high precision event timer.
Restore AC Power Loss
Power Off
When power returns after an AC power failure, the system’s power is off.
You must press the power button to power-on the system.
Power On
When power returns after an AC power failure, the system will
automatically power-on.
Last State
When power returns after an AC power failure, the system will return to
the state where you left off before power failure occurs. If the system’s
power is off when AC power failure occurs, it will remain off when power
returns. If the system’s power is on when AC power failure occurs, the
system will power-on when power returns.