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NDI is much more than simply ‘video over IP’. As you begin using it, you’ll increasingly
discover its many advantages. Soon you’ll realize you never want to go back to simple ‘point
A to point B’ methods of video transport.
This section provides a brief overview of NDI and the power it delivers to unleash your
creativity and provide newfound production efficiency.
We live in a world in which virtually every computer system in the world
is potentially connected to every other. Likewise, our countless mobile
devices are connected too. These devices have high quality screens, fast
processors and cameras. It is no surprise, then, that efficient, economical,
non-linear video transfer in IP space is augmenting and even superseding
traditional linear connection methods (SDI, HDMI, etc.) and systems.
NewTek NDI
(Network Device Interface) makes it easy to share high-
quality video over a local Ethernet network. However, the NDI vision is
vastly exciting than any mere ’cable upgrade’. Production systems using IP
to integrate data, video, and audio are transforming live video production in ways that would have seemed
miraculous just a few years ago. You can think of NDI as turning your network into a ‘video internet’.
Like a webpage, each NDI source is instantly available to many viewers and devices. Wherever your network
extends – throughout your office, broadcast studio, hospital, campus (etc.) – NDI is ready for immediate
display, capture, replay, production, and more. NDI operates bi-directionally over a local area network, and
supports many ultra-low latency, ultra-high quality video streams on shared connections. It is resolution and
framerate independent, and natively supports tally, metadata, access management, and more.