In a microphone, gain can usually be described as its sensitivity. Increasing the gain will increase the
sensitivity of your microphone and allow you to pick up lower sounds.
Considering the nature of gain, and that it is the strength of the input signal, altering the gain begins to
affect the recording volume at specific thresholds. Furthermore, gain can affect the recording volume
because it is the input strength, but volume cannot affect gain because it is the output strength.
Since volume changes the strength of a signal after it has been processed, changing the volume does
not affect the tone itself and only alters its loudness.
Gain on the other hand is the input dB and therefore gain alters the strength of a signal before it is
processed. This means that changing the gain changes the signals that the audio device works with and
processes. Therefore, gain can make a difference to the very characteristics of a sound.
To adjust the gain, simply turn the first "GAIN" knob to the left or right.