If the light readout is very low, try changing the sensor's mode to a higher sensitivity.
This is done by selecting the “Module setup” button on the light sensor module box in
the NeuLog application.
The NUL-204 is able to adjust to 3 different sensitivity settings for ambient light
because of its ability to change the internal hardware amplifier gain through the
Changing from illumination mode into signal mode is done automatically by the
firmware according to the sampling rate.
Maintenance and storage:
Never submerge the NeuLog plastic body in any liquid
Do not allow liquid into the light sensor’s body
After use, gently wipe away any foreign material from the light sensor
Store in a box at room temperature out of direct sunlight
We promise to deliver our sensor free of defects in materials and workmanship. The
warranty is for a period of 3 years from the date of purchase and does not cover
damage of the product caused by improper use, abuse, or incorrect storage. Should
you need to act upon the warranty, please contact your distributor. Your sensor will be
repaired or replaced.
Thank you for using NeuLog!
Flexible, simple, fast, forward thinking.
A: 850 St Paul Street, Suite 15, Rochester, NY 14605
P: 1.866.553.8536