NTV61/NTV60/NTV63SL User Guide 1-0
6.2 Video
To set up the video parameters, click the "Video" tab.
1) Video format
There are 3 formats, support for 50HZ (PAL), 60HZ
(NTSC) and Dial priority (chosen via the RC menu).
2) Encode Level
Choose between baseline, mainprofile, highprofile.
3) Encode Protocol
Choose H.264 , H.265 and MJEPG three formats.
4) Resolution
The First stream supports either 1920x1080,
1280x720, 1024x576, 960x540, 640x480, 640x360.
The Second stream supports 1280x720, 1024x576,
720x576, 720x408, 640x360, 480x270, 320x240,
Note: the bigger the resolution is, the clearer the im-
age will be, but more network bandwidth will be
5) Bit Rate
The user can assign the bit rate flow for each stream.
Note: the bigger bit rate is, the clearer the image will
be. But the bit rate allocation must combine with the
available network bandwidth, when the network
bandwidth is too narrow and the allocated bit flow is
too big, it will cause the video signal to be compro-
mised and not transmitted normally, ie you are likely
to get unsatisfactory video images.
6) Frame Rate
The user can specify the size of the frame rate, gener-
ally if the Frame Rate is higher, the image quality is
more smooth; If the Frame Rate is smaller, the video
image will be more juddery.
7) I Key Frame Interval:
Set the interval between two I frames, the bigger in-
terval is, the response will be lower from viewing win-
8) Bit Rate Control
Choose between:
Constant bit rate: video coder will be coding accord-
ing to preset speed
Variable bit rate: video coder will adjust the speed
based on video bandwidth speed to gain the best im-
age quality.
9) Fluctuate Level
Choose the fluctuation magnitude of variable rate,
grade 1 ~ 6
6.3 Image
To adjust the video image,
click on "Image" and you
will get the following set-