Cycle Sensor Power on ENVIROMUX-MINI-LXO
The power to the smoke detector can also be power-cycled on the ENVIROMUX-MINI-LXO when wired as shown on the lower image on page 4. If
the output relay is used to control power to the smoke detector, the output relay can be manually activated (to open power to the smoke detector) and
then deactivated (to restore power to the smoke detector.
When wired in this fashion, make sure that none of the sensors are configured to have the output relay status change to “Active”. Both fields (below)
must be set to “Inactive”. Otherwise, when the relay is active the smoke detector will be powered OFF.
Make sure the ENVIROMUX Output Relay status for both fields in all sensor configurations is set to
“Inactive” if the output relay is used to power the smoke detector.
To power-cycle the smoke detector using the web interface, set the output to
“Activate”, click “Apply Changes”, then set to “Deactivate” and click “Apply
Changes” again.