Our VIP Program provides multiple levels
of partnership—one of which is certain
to fit your business model. Starting from
a basic sales volume commitment, each
level up earns you greater rewards, bene-
fits, and support as you achieve higher
levels of revenue. Working with you, your
Network Appliance representative can
help determine the level of commitment
that’s right for your business.
NetApp Registered Service Providers
(RSPs) are Network Appliance authorized
service agents and the first line of service
support for the RSP’s customers.
Network Appliance provides technical
training, certification, a connection to
the Network Appliance Global Support
Center, and access to special support
contracts geared toward each RSP’s
special needs as providers of first-line
service on Network Appliance products.
NetApp Value-Added Resellers (VARs) have
a different business model and different
needs, in which Network Appliance delivers
direct service and support. Network
Appliance provides prompt coverage for
parts and people, SCP-certified support
centers, the award-winning NOW
site, and worldwide partner support
engineering resources that NetApp VARs
can leverage. The award-winning NOW
site also includes a partner portal and a
Reseller Corner containing sales tools,
resource information, marketing programs,
and the latest corporate updates to
enhance the selling efforts of our VARs.
Uncover a New World of Simplicity
Where others manage complexity,
Network Appliance eliminates it. For
more than a decade, our solutions have
set the standard for simplicity and ease
of operation, with the lowest TCO and
highest ROI in the storage industry.
Through our leadership and innovation,
we are now defining the enterprise
storage solutions of the future and con-
tinue to drive the evolution of storage.
For more information on becoming a
Network Appliance reseller, visit us at
Let us show you
what the evolution of storage means
for your business.
“Only Network Appliance offers a full line of information storage
and access solutions for online, nearline, and distributed data
requirements. And only Network Appliance offers unified SAN
and NAS solutions to fit into customers’ existing or preferred
configurations. This unified approach to storage sets NetApp
apart in the industry and enables us to deliver what customers
demand for their enterprise applications.”
dan warmenhoven
CEO, Network Appliance