DVR Server Manual
PTZ Protocol
Select the PTZ protocol for the PTZ camera.
PTZ Address
Set the camera ID number of the PTZ camera being
The PTZ camera has a dipswitch to set the PTZ address. The PTZ
camera ID number must be matched with the number of this dipswitch.
PTZ Baud rate
Select PTZ Baud rate for the PTZ camera.
PTZ Position
Select the installation mode of the PTZ according to its
installation mode.
1) PTZ position will influence PTZ control. E.g.: if you set it as obverse
and press left, then it will turn left. If you set it as inverse and press left,
then it will turn right;
2) If there is (H) after the PTZ protocol, it has the high speed of Preset
function. If there is no (H), it only has ordinary functions;
3) The PTZ address will be sent as a message option. Take care that
some addresses begin from 0. That is to say
when the address
number is 1, the real address is 0. So we must set it according to their
Motion Detection Relay
DO Port
DO Port Name
Select a DO port and set its name to identify
the various DO port. It will be shown as a tip when the mouse moves closely or
above the DO button in DVR Server or NVR Client.
Camera alarm detected In
Select camera to be set from drop down
Send Alarm to client
Select sending alarm to network clients or not.
Motion Alarm Sound
button to select a “.wav” sound file
for a motion alarm. If there is a motion alarm, the sound file will be played. Also,
you can test it by pressing
Send email
Set the send email alarm function disable or enable when
the cameras test abnormally
Send ms
Set the send SMS alarm function disable or enable when the
cameras test abnormally.
Video Loss Alarm Sound
button to select a “.wav” sound
file for a video loss alarm. If there is a video loss alarm, the sound file will be
played. Also, you can test it by pressing