Wireless 11n USB Adapter
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Link Quality
Display connection quality based on signal strength.
MAC Address: The MAC address of the wireless network adapter.
IP Address: IP address of current connection.
C. Subnet Mask: Subnet mask of current connection.
D. Gateway: Gateway of current connection.
3.3.5 Advanced
This screen below allows you to make advanced configuration for the profile. Please refer to the
following chart for definitions of each item.
1. Preamble Mode
The length of CRC blocks in the frames during the wireless communication. Select the options from
the drop list: (1) Long, (2)Short
2. Channel Plan
The selected country: FCC, IC ETSI, Spain, France, MKK, MKK1, Israel, TELEC, Default.
3. Threshold
(1) Fragment Threshold
This value should remain at its default setting of 2347. If you experience a high packet error rate,