Totalling and End of Day Banking
At the end of a business day, the settlement procedure must be performed on the terminal
unless set to automatically settle at a particular time of day (if you are unsure whether your
terminal settles automatically, please contact your helpdesk). Automatic Settlement is not
usually permitted.
For the totals to display correctly, this must be done during the
Banking Window
time set
by your acquirer. During a settlement, the terminal will connect to your acquirer and ensure
that all transactions processed have been received.
The terminal may contain stored transactions for a number of reasons such as low-risk
and contactless transactions. If any transactions are stored in the terminal, a successful
settlement will automatically send them to your acquirer(s)
From the Welcome screen press the MAIN MENU key to display the Reports and
Terminal Menu. Select BATCH and then select SETTLE.
You may be requested to enter the Merchant Password.
Select the acquirer you want to settle if you have multiple acquirers we would
recommend you select ALL HOSTS. The terminal will connect to the selected
acquirer(s) and print out the settlement report. The settlement totals will be reset to
zero once this process is complete.
The Terminal will dial out and return one of three results;
Totals Agreed
: The totals between your acquiring bank and the terminal match.
Totals Not Agreed
: The totals do not match. The most common cause of this is
that the terminal has offline transactions stored. These transactions will have
uploaded during the banking window, so performing the end of day banking again
should resolve the issue. If they still do not match, you will need to contact the
Merchant Services Support at your acquiring bank (see Page 3).
Cannot Confirm Totals
: The terminal was unable to contact your acquiring bank
and so End of Day banking will need to be performed again.
If you do not complete this procedure, it may result in your terminal failing to
automatically update and may expose you to the risk of charge-backs.
shows the total value of the transactions passed through the terminal
since the last End of Day banking or Z-Total. It does not reset the totals.
shows the same data as an X-Total but also resets the totals for both
functions. It does not affect the End of Day banking total.
18 Totalling and End of Day Banking
intelligent payments