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From this main menu it is possible to access the various submenus, the function of each of which
is shown in the table below.
IP config
To configure the network parameters
Time setting
To configure the internal clock
PVI config
To configure the type of inverter connected
Feeding config
To configure the remuneration parameters
Services 1
To activate and/or deactivate device services
Services 2
To configure the password and access to the network
Save and load
To save a configuration thus making it effective in the event
of a device restart
To move within this menu and the following menus, use the keys as described in the following
table; the arrow or the cursor shows the current selection.
Direction keys
(Arrow up, down, right, left)
To move the cursor within the menus
Goes on to next option
Choice of submenu
Confirmation of characters entered
Exit main menu
Return to previous menu
keys can have a different function depending on the menu.
exit from a menu a confirmation („Y‟ or „N‟) is required after pressing the ESC key.
The screen also displays some messages describing the kind of configuration data displayed. The
meaning of these messages is described below.
Data from flash: means that the configuration has been loaded from the flash memory
Data from file: means that the configuration has been loaded from file
Default data: means that the configuration has been reset to the default values