Manage the Advanced Radio
This chapter describes how you can manage the advanced radio features of the access
point. For information about the basic radio features, see Manage the Basic Radio
Features on page 83.
If you change a radio feature on the 2.4 GHz radio, the change affects all
WiFi networks that broadcast on the 2.4 GHz radio. Similarly, if you change a radio
feature on the 5 GHz radio, the change affects all WiFi networks that broadcast on the
5 GHz radio. If the change is not specific to one radio, the change affects
WiFi networks
on the access point.
The chapter includes the following sections:
Manage the advanced WiFi settings for the radios
Manage the maximum number of clients for a radio
Manage the broadcast and multicast settings for a radio
Manage load balancing for the radios
Note: If you want to change the radio settings, use a wired connection to avoid being
disconnected when the new radio settings take effect.
Note: In this manual,
WiFi network
means the same as SSID (service set identifier or
WiFi network name) or VAP (virtual access point). That is, when we refer to a WiFi network
we mean an individual SSID or VAP.