Page 16
The first backup job will start and show progress in the “Backup jobs” tab. you may close the client and the Backup will
continue as a background operation.
To see existing backups and storage consumption metrics, open the ReadydATA ui in a supported web browser
(https://{iP Address}) and select the “shares” tab.
After First backup
First backup has savings leveraging
inline compression (this example
small savings only)
Select the “Shares” tab to see the ReadyRECOVER Backups
… After 3 Backups
Savings ratio will grow (example: 3:1)
as each full backup only stores
block-level changes
… After 4 Backups
Savings ratio will continue to grow
(example: 4:1) as each full backup
only stores block-level changes
The first and only full
backup will run.
First Backup Savings
- storage savings on the first backup operation will be based on inline compression at the block-
level. These savings vary based on the data type of the source server/client.
Ongoing Backup Savings
– The ongoing savings will increase as more backups occur. Each backup stores only block
changes, while keeping fully independent backup images.