GS700AT Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
Monitoring the Switch
v1.0, October 2008
Frames of 65 to 127 Bytes
– Displays the number of 65 to 127 byte frames received on
the interface since the device was last refreshed.
Frames of 128 to 255 Bytes
– Displays the number of 128 to 255 byte frames received on
the interface since the device was last refreshed.
Frames of 256 to 511 Bytes
– Displays the number of 256 to 511 byte frames received on
the interface since the device was last refreshed.
Frames of 512 to 1023 Bytes
– Displays the number of 512 to 1023 byte frames received
on the interface since the device was last refreshed.
Frames of 1024 to 1522 Bytes
– Displays the number of 1024 to 1522 byte frames
received on the interface since the device was last refreshed.
RMON Summary Statistics
– Displays the port or LAG for which statistics are displayed.
Drop Events
– Displays the number of dropped events that have occurred on the interface
since the device was last refreshed.
Received Bytes
– Displays the number of octets received on the interface since the device
was last refreshed. This number includes bad packets and FCS octets, but excludes
framing bits.
Received Packets
– Displays the number of packets received on the interface, including
bad packets, Multicast, and Broadcast packets, since the device was last refreshed.
Broadcast Packets Received
– Displays the number of good broadcast packets received
on the interface since the device was last refreshed. This number does not include
Multicast packets.
Multicast Packets Received
– Displays the number of good Multicast packets received
on the interface since the device was last refreshed.
CRC & Alignment Errors
– Displays the number of CRC and Align errors that have
occurred on the interface since the device was last refreshed.
To view RMON Interface Statistics, select Port or LAG as the type of
and select the
interface from the list in the provided field. The RMON Interface Statistics for the selected
interface are displayed.
To view RMON Summary Statistics, select the interface and click