Rev.3 - YML2003
Mega-i-Modem 56
Page 11
Windows 98/ME
1. Please go to Start / Settings /
Control Panel and double-
click on the “Modems” icon.
2. To test the modem by
clicking on the “Diagnostics”
tab. Then select the COM Port where
Topic Modem is setting and click on the
“More Info…” button to start the test.
3. If your modem is responding to AT
commands and functioning correctly, it
means that your modem is working
properly. Click “OK” to end this
Windows 2000
1. Move your cursor as
following sequence
Start\Settings\Control Panel
and click “Control Panel”.
Then double-click on the
“Phone and Modem
Options” icon.
2. Click “Modems” tab, select “Topic 56k
External Data Fax Voice Modem” and
click on the “Properties” button.
3. Click “Diagnostics” tab and then click
on the “Query Modem” button.
4. If your modem is responding to AT
commands and functioning correctly, it
means that your modem is working
properly. Click “OK”.