Installation and deployment overview
You can install one or more StorageGRID appliances when you first deploy StorageGRID, or you
can add appliance Storage Nodes later as part of an expansion. You might also need to install an
appliance Storage Node as part of a recovery operation.
Adding a StorageGRID storage appliance to a StorageGRID system includes four primary steps:
1. Preparing for installation:
Preparing the installation site
Unpacking the boxes and checking the contents
Obtaining additional equipment and tools
Gathering IP addresses and network information
2. Installing the hardware:
Registering the hardware
Installing the appliance into a cabinet or rack
Installing the drives (SG5760 only)
Cabling the appliance
Connecting the power cords and applying power
Viewing boot-up status codes
3. Configuring the hardware:
Accessing SANtricity System Manager, setting a static IP address for management port 1
on the E2800 controller, and configuring SANtricity System Manager settings
Accessing StorageGRID Appliance Installer and configuring the link and network IP
settings required to connect to StorageGRID networks
4. Deploying the appliance as a Storage Node:
Deploying an appliance Storage Node in a new
StorageGRID system
Deploying an appliance Storage Node
Adding an appliance Storage Node to an existing
StorageGRID system
Instructions for expanding a StorageGRID system
Deploying an appliance Storage Node as part of a
Storage Node recovery operation
Instructions for recovery and maintenance
Related tasks
Preparing to install a StorageGRID appliance entails preparing the site and obtaining all required
hardware, cables, and tools. You should also gather IP addresses and network information.
on page 21
Hardware installation entails installing the appliance into a cabinet or rack, connecting the cables,
and applying power.
After applying power to the appliance, you must configure SANtricity System Manager, which is
the software you will use to monitor the hardware. You must also configure the network
connections that will be used by StorageGRID.
Related information
Hardware Installation and Maintenance Guide for SG5700 Appliances
Installation and deployment overview