GmbH | Freudenstädter Str. 37-43 | 72280 Dornstetten
| www.g-nestle.de
17.5 Record and calculate areas
Measure an area, see 17.4.
To calculate select
Then tap on “Calculate”.
Choose from the Pulldown “Area”.
Tap the area to calculate from the grafic, so that those
will be activated (highlighted in orange).
tap on
the result will be shown on the screen.
17.6 Record and calculate volume
Positions of a terrain are determined in order to record volumes. When recording, choose positions that
represent the terrain well.
When calculating in the field, the volume can be determined in relation to a reference height (input) or in
relation to a (measured) reference surface. In addition, a polyline (area) enclosing the terrain is always
required for the calculation.
The terrain within the ring can consist of single points, breaklines or areas.
Detect / measure terrain
Measure points and lines that describe the terrain well.
See 17.4
Record / measure the ring
Measure the circumference as the area that surrounds the terrain.
see 17.4