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Adjustment of Camera Focus and Exposure
Before leaving the factory, the camera focus has been adjusted to a little
above the floor of the nest box. You can adjust the camera focus by turn-
ing the lens turret. The camera is a very delicate part of the system so
please do this gently, and be very careful not to touch a finger on the lens.
When viewing a picture illuminated by the infra red lights (when it is too
dark outside for a good colour picture), you may find the picture has a
“hotspot”, a white central area in the middle, or is white all over. This is
due to the concentration or brightness of the infra red lights when so close
to the subject. Use the white Diffuser or black Baffle (or both), clipped
over the lens turret to reduce this effect.
The Diffuser will distribute the light round the box and help
with hotspots.
The black Baffle will reduce the overall infra red intensity.
Audio Volume
The audio system is fitted with an Automatic Gain Control (AGC) which
increases the amplification when the microphone is picking up little sound,
and decreases it when it picks up more noise. In quiet situations, this re-
sults in high gain, and can lead to the pick up of some hum.
We suggest you set the volume on your TV to a level where, in quiet con-
ditions, any background noise or hum is barely audible, and is not intru-
sive. When the birds take up residence, and start making a noise, the AGC
will ensure that you hear their sounds above the level of the background
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