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If the cables don’t reach far enough, we have a range of extension cables
available as accessories.
Running the Camera by Battery
If you are going to use batteries for the Camera, you will need to put 4 size
“D” batteries with polarity as marked into the battery holder.
Run the cable/s out of the slots at the base of the Battery Box, and close using
the 4 small screws provided. The Battery Box can then be hung in a conven-
ient position (perhaps near the base of the tree), while the nest box is posi-
tioned up the tree.
If you wish to extend the battery life, or add dusk/dawn switching to its capa-
bilities, the camera kit is compatible with the Daylight Sensing Battery Box
which is available from our range of accessories.
Adjustment of Camera Focus
You can adjust the Camera focus by turning the lens turret. The Camera is a
very delicate part of the system so please do this gently, and be very careful
not to touch a finger on the lens.
Camera Exposure
The Camera’s electronics control the exposure of the picture. Because the
camera is so sensitive to low light levels, it may be unable to fully adjust to
the brightest light. In this case, you may need to adjust the light level or shad-
ing to ensure that you get good colours in bright daylight.
The light sensor in the camera is programmed to switch on the Infra Red
Lights when the daylight becomes too dim for a good colour picture. When
the IR lights are on, if the subject is close to the lens (which is often the case
inside a small nest box) they may be too bright for the Camera and also cause
overexposure. If this happens, you will notice a bright circular area in the
middle of the picture. To deal with this, use the black Baffle and white Dif-
fuser to reduce the intensity of the lights. Fit these by clipping them over the
lens turret.
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