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High Temperature/
Low Liquid
Level Safety
To protect your application, the adjustable High Temperature/Low Liquid
Level Safety (HIGH TEMP/LOW LEVEL) ensures the heater will not exceed
temperatures which can cause serious damage to your unit. A single tem-
perature sensor, located on the heater coils in the bath, monitors both condi-
tions. A High Temperature/Low Liquid Level fault occurs when the tempera-
ture of the sensor exceeds the set temperature limit.
In the event of a fault, the unit will shut down. The cause of the fault must be
identified and corrected before the unit can be restarted.
The safety is not preset and must be adjusted during initial installation.
To set the safety, locate the HIGH TEMP/LOW LEVEL SAFETY adjustment
dial on the right side of the pump box. Turn the dial fully clockwise and press
the red RESET switch located next to the adjustment dial. NOTE: On units
without a reset switch turn the I/O switch off then back on.
Start the unit. Adjust the setpoint for a few degrees higher than the highest
desired fluid temperature and allow the bath to stabilize at the temperature
setpoint. Turn the HIGH TEMP/LOW LEVEL SAFETY dial counter-clockwise
until you hear a click and the unit shuts down. The yellow FAULT LED on the
temperature controller will light to indicate a fault has occurred.
Cool the bath and then, without moving the adjustment dial, press the red
RESET switch or turn the I/O switch off then back on.
NOTE: The safety switch has a temperature range of 50°C to 180°C. The
minimum high temperature safety setting is 50°C.
High Temperature/Low Liquid Level Safety
(Some units do not have a reset switch.)