2 FSI Viewer JS
NeptuneLabs - FSI Viewer
Integrate FSI Viewer JS
<fsi-viewer width="500" height="600" src="/images/foo.tiff">
//here you can place the fallback content in case the browser
// cannot display the viewer, e,g,:
<b>Sorry</b>, your browser is not capable of running FSI Viewer
Parameters are added to the <fsi-viewer> tag. Note that you can as well use FSI
Viewer configuration files (required when using hot spots):
Adding Parameters to the viewer
//adding the fsiviewer.js script
<script src="js/fsiviewer.js"
//Adding parameters directly to the tag:
<fsi-viewer width="500" height="600" src="/images/sample.jpg"
debug="true" skin="silver">
//Example with using a FSI Viewer configuration file:
<fsi-viewer width="500" height="600" src="/images/sample.jpg"
2.1 How it works
The script uses the given <fsi- viewer> tag, which is similar to an <img> tag, to
display a single image zoom and/or 360° object spin.
If a video has been defined, the script captures video frames on start to provide an
ultra smooth rotation.