Radar detector settings
GPS time correction:
auto time correction according to the time zone.
setting date and time in case the GPS time correction is off.
Date and time OSD:
(de)activating the video date and time OSD.
Speed OSD: (
de)activating the car speed OSD.
<100 km/h speed OSD:
(de)activating the car speed OSD ONLY shown when the speed is less than
100 km/h.
Night mode:
setting the time the night mode video recording activates.
In the night mode, the video is noisier; yet, more details in dark areas of the road OR roadsides are
Car registration number OSD (enter the number):
(de)activating the car registration number OSD.
Low voltage turnoff:
setting the lowest voltage the device is on at, any lower voltage turning it off.
selecting the interface language.
Default settings:
setting the default settings.
Distribute memory card capacity:
auto distributing the memory card capacity between the Driving,
Event and Parking folders.
Format memory card:
deleting all the memory card data.
Software version:
showing the SW current version
0 km/h to
60 km/h
61 km/h to
70 km/h
71 km/h to
80 km/h
81 km/h to
90 km/h
91 km/h to
100 km/h
101 km/h to
110 km/h
110 km/h
Auto mute:
decreasing the volume by 30% within 6 seconds after the detected signal announcement
starts. The volume will be restored 10 seconds after the announcement ends.
GPS mute unless:
while the car speed is less than the set value, no GPS sound announcement is
This feature is unavailable when the X-COP mode is on.
RD mute unless:
while the car speed is less than the set value, no radar detection sound
announcement is made.
enabling/disabling police radar voice notification.
enabling/disabling all sound notifications.
GPS announcement:
enabling/disabling announcements of police radars and cameras registered in
the current GPS database.
RD announcement:
enabling/disabling the RD police radar announcements.
GPS priority:
prioritizing the GPS announcements. (When on, the GPS announcements are both visual
and audial, while those of the RD are only visual).
RD priority:
prioritizing the RD announcements. (When on, the RD announcements are both visual
and audial, while those of the GPS are only visual).
Auto Turbo:
auto switching to the Turbo mode once the set speed is reached.
Silent Zone Radius:
setting incoming broadband signal announcements off within the specified
Red Zone Radius:
setting the radius of the Red Zone (a zone where your special attention is required,
e.g. a section of speed bumps, a school, a busy intersection, a quick hide, etc.)
Overspeed tolerance:
the set value is added to the allowed speed value for each camera set in the
GPS database.
Maximum speed: i
f the car speed is higher than the set value, a sound announcement is generated.
GPS announcement distance:
it is the distance to the ahead GPS database point where the GPS
announcement starts; the distance may be defined:
By the database:
each camera in the database has its own announcement distance (m).
By settings:
300 m / 400 m / 500 m / 600 m/ 700 m / 800 m / 900 m
Based on the current vehicle speed: