Notification of nearby traffic cameras
NEOLINE is not responsible for any administrative penalties for
violation of the traffic rules by the device owner. The speed cameras and other
traffic rules reporting are only to provide safer driving.
This DVR can notify you of traffic control cameras. Depending on your individual
settings, the following information is displayed on the screen:
- radar/camera type;
- radar/camera distance;
- speed allowed at the road section;
- your car average speed and distance to the section leaving point (when
detecting average speed control cameras).
When approaching a camera/radar, the DVR reports its type and allowed speed.
For example, “Average speed control = 50” means you are approaching the
camera recording the travel time for further calculation of the average speed,
and the speed limit on this section is 50 kmph.
Authorized speed
Type of a police
radar or camera
Distance to the police
radar point
Current speed