Setup & Wiring
Choose a Mounting Location
Permanently mount the HSM2HOST receiver and wireless devices AFTER
placement testing each device (See “Permanently Mount” on page 5).
Find a place that is:
• dry,
• within operating temperature range,
• central to the proposed placement of all wireless devices,
• as high as possible. The range is reduced if mounted below ground level,
• far from sources of interference, including: electrical noise (computers, televisions, electric
motors, appliances, heating and air conditioning units), large metal objects like heating ducts and
plumbing which may shield the electro-magnetic waves,
• smooth and free of obstructions that block access to the rear of the unit.
Connect the HSM2HOST
CAUTION: Remove all power (AC, DC, telephone lines) from the system while connecting modules
to the Corbus.
1. With the alarm panel powered down, connect the HSM2HOST to the four-wire Corbus of the
alarm panel according to Figure 1.
2. Once the wiring is complete, power up the security system.
Figure 1: Corbus Wiring
Enroll The HSM2HOST
The HSM2HOST must be enrolled onto the alarm panel before any wireless devices can be
enrolled.When the alarm system is powered up for the first time, the first keypad or the HSM2HOST
(if using a wireless keypad as the first keypad) can be enrolled. To do this:
1. Once the HSM2HOST is wired to the alarm panel and power has been applied, power up a
wireless keypad.
2. Press any button on the keypad to enroll it on the HSM2HOST. The HSM2HOST is then
automatically enrolled on the alarm panel.
Alternately, enroll the HSM2HOST on the system at any time using the following procedure:
1. Enter Installer Programming section [902][000] (Auto Enroll All Modules).
2. When prompted, press [*] to enroll.