Clock is set on standard time. To change to military (24
hour) time, depress both [+] and [-] buttons simultaneously and
hold for 5 seconds. If switched to military time, depress both [+]
and [-] buttons to return to standard time.
III. Attach Timer to Faucet
1. By hand, firmly attach the coupling nut on your timer to your
faucet. Do not use tools to attach as overtightening may occur.
IV. Attach Hose to Timer
1. Firmly attach your hose with sprinkler to the timer. Position
your sprinkler where desired in the yard. Damage to the timer or
spigot may occur if you pull on the hose too hard.
V. Selecting a Watering Cycle
Timer has 18 pre-set selections. 9 for lawn watering in
Mode 1 (Light gray outer ring on dial) and 9 for systems requiring
shorter water durations (drip, etc.) in Mode 2 (Dark gray inner ring
on dial.) To change between modes, turn dial to [MODE] and
press [+] or [-] buttons. Display screen will display [M1] for Mode
1 or [M2] for Mode 2.
1. Select either Mode 1 or Mode 2 depending on type of watering
(lawn watering or drip system)
2. Turn the dial to select one of the 18 settings you wish to run:
(Mode 1) Come on every day at 6 AM and run for 15, 30, or 60
minutes. Come on every other day at 6 AM and run for 15, 30, or
60 minutes. Come on every day at 6 AM and 6 PM and run for
15, 30, or 60 minutes. (Mode 2) Come on every day at 6 AM and
run for 1, 2, or 5 minutes. Come on every other day at 6 AM and
run for 1, 2, or 5 minutes. Come on every day at 6 AM and 6 PM
and run for 1, 2, or 5 minutes.
VI. Run Timer
1. Once you have selected a watering cycle, turn on the timer’s
water supply. That’s it! Water will come on and shut off at the
selected time.
A cycle will not start if the Start Time has already passed
when you select a cycle. For example, if you are manually
watering at 6:15 AM and then turn the dial to Every Day at 6 AM,
the timer will NOT come on until the following day at 6AM.
1. To use your hose for a non-timed application, with the water
turned on at the facet, turn the dial to [ON] and water will start
running immediately. Water will continue to run until you turn it to
[OFF] or select a watering cycle on the dial. If left in the [ON]
position, water will shut off after 180 minutes (3 hours) as a
56606 Instructions.indd 4-5
9/18/2009 4:08:42 PM