Permeate Conductivity Fault:
(Permeate conductivity is higher than the alarm set-point.)
Line 1 “Service Fault”
Line 2 “Permeate TDS xxx ppm” or “Permeate Cond xxx uS”
Line 3 “Alarm SP xxx ppm” or “Alarm SP xxx uS”
Line 4 “To Reset Push OFF/ON”
Feed Conductivity Fault:
(Feed conductivity is higher than the alarm set-point.)
Line 1 “Service Fault”
Line 2 “Feed TDS xxx ppm” or “Feed Cond xxx uS”
Line 3 “Alarm SP xxx ppm” or “Alarm SP xxx uS”
Line 4 “To Reset Push OFF/ON”
Conductivity Probe Error messages:
Line 2 “Over-range” - Measurement is out of range for the circuit, probe may also be shorted
Line 2 “Probe shorted” - Short circuit detected on temperature sensor in probe
Line 2 “Probe not detected” - Open circuit detected on temperature sensor in probe
Line 2 “Probe Startup 1” - Internal reference voltage too high to make valid measurement
Line 2 “Probe Startup 2” - Internal reference voltage too low to make valid measurement
Line 2 “Probe Startup 3” - Internal excitation voltage too high to make valid measurement
Line 2 “Probe Startup 4”, - Internal excitation voltage too low to make valid measurement
If RO Not Working and Display Shows “Tank Full” or “Tank Full Draw Down”
1. If using a single point high level float switch, the jumper in the wiring instructions must be installed. This
needs to be checked to make sure it is not loose and or disconnected, which would cause a failure and
one of the displays above. ie. Remove jumper and reinstall, making sure of a good connection. Re-check
display and operation.
2. Check the switch in the tank to make sure it is operating correctly. Check the switch with a multi-meter for
correct “on-off” operation. Replace switch or level control if faulty.
3. If someone connected 110v to the terminal strip connection for the high level shut off, they could have
fried the “opto-isolator”.
4. Also, if there were major lightning strikes and power outages with surges, it is possible that you may have
had a power surge that sent electric current to the dry contacts and possibly fried the “opto-isolator”.
This will prevent the system from turning on, and the display will show Tank Full messages.
5. If the jumper is verified to be in place with good connections, and if the high level cut off switch in the
storage tank is verified to be operational, then the board might need to be replaced due to number 3 or 4.
Controller Fault Condition Displays