Definition of Oven Features
Hydroclean system ————————
The hydroclean system featured in your
oven is intended to help you keep your
oven neat and tidy. An amount of cleaning
solution is vaporised automatically. The
combined effects of heat and steam soften
the grease deposits on the oven enamel
and facilitate their removal. For more
information on this function, see the section
on “Cleaning and Care” later in this booklet.
Use this function with a cold oven only.
– takes the toil out of oven cleaning
– protects the enamel on interior surfaces
– constitutes an environmentally friendly
cleaning method.
Dough-proving setting ——————
The dough proving function provides ideal
conditions inside the oven for getting yeast
dough to rise.
35 – 38° C
75 – 100%
– rapid and uniform increase in volume of
– dough does not dry out
– dough does not form a skin which
means that it very easy to process and
work into the required shape
– exclusion of unfavourable external
influences (e.g. draughts).
– yoghurt can be made.