Quick Install sheet |
Invexs 170 Readers Mifare Nedap dual technology readers
Version 12.0
Function of LEDs and Beeper is controlled by used application settings of Invexs.
Green and Red LED can be controlled by hardware signals (Connector 8 and 10) or
RS485NR, Blue LED indirectly by UL and NA, if this setting is activated (configuration).
Beeper can be controlled by hardware signal (Connector 7), RS485NR or software
Pay attention that the firmware loaded in the Invexs together with the Invexs type and
configuration determines functionality and protocols. For the Invexs with screen contact Nedap.
Default (from factory) the Invexs handles the credentials on several ways simultaneously:
XS cards as:
RS485NR, RF badge
Mifare cards (CSN) as:
RS485NR, RF data
System Configurations
(how to connect Invexs readers)
Configurations can be determined by using the configuration card.
Check the
Convexs Invexs Installation Manual
chapter 8 (Available reader Firmware) for
the compatibility for the used readers.
Tamper Switch
The Invexs 170 is equipped with a tamper switch which can be monitored over the RS485NR
Beeper Indications
Beeper is also used for indication of loading the configuration:
High sound beep (‘happy sound’): Configuration is loaded correct, second high sound
beep indicates that this configuration can be used with this Invexs
Low sound beep (‘unhappy sound’): Configuration is not correct loaded or no
configuration available at start-up
Invexs uses existing antenna cabling
(Coax + 3*0,25qmm for LEDs).
On each AEpack-RF interface an AX1014
must be added. Connections: see AX1014
RF interface AEpacks
Accessor III /
AX1014 AX1014
RF interface XS systems
Invexs uses existing antenna cabling
(Coax + 3*0,25qmm for LEDs).
On each XS reader-RF interface an AB350
must be added. Connections: see AB350
To APx003 readers with RS485 special encrypted
protocol. (LEDs, Beeper, Keys and Display are
controlled over the RS485 communication)
AEOS RS485 interface
- Third party systems
- AEOS Wiegand
Wiegand interface
Wiegand output connected to Third party systems
(or to AEOS Wiegand interfaces). LEDs andBeeper
are controlled by hard wiring. (PINcode possible)
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
C 0 E
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
C 0 E