NEC Versa LXi VersaBay III DVD-ROM Drive
Diagnosing Incorrect Power Management Settings
If your system goes into a timeout during a movie, one of the following conditions may occur
when you bring the system out of the timeout.
If you are playing a movie on your television set, the system might go into ‘Simultaneous
mode’ (in which the movie displays on the television set and your computer’s LCD panel).
The movie might restart from the beginning.
The audio might cut out.
The system might hang.
See the following sections for instructions on configuring AC power management correctly for
playing DVD movies.
For complete DVD player operating instructions, see the online help for the NEC SoftDVD
Player. To access the online help while DVD Player is running click the question mark on the
DVD Player main menu.
For detailed information on power management, see your NEC Versa LXi User’s Guide.
AC Power Management Settings for Windows 95
The BIOS in your system is factory-set with the correct AC power management settings for
playing DVD movies with the NEC SoftDVD Player.
If you have altered the factory-shipped AC power management settings in BIOS, change them
back before playing a movie with the NEC SoftDVD Player.
In BIOS, under the power management Setup menu, set
Power Management for AC
playing movies.
For complete information on changing BIOS settings, see your NEC Versa LXi User’s Guide.
AC Power Management Settings for Windows 98
The appropriate AC power management values are automatically set when you install the NEC
SoftDVD Player for playing DVD movies.
If you have altered the AC power management settings, change them back before playing a
movie with the NEC SoftDVD Player.
To access AC power management settings open the Control Panel. Double click the Power
Management icon and set the following fields in the ‘Plugged in’ column to ‘Never’:
System standby
Turn off monitor
Turn off hard disks.
For complete information on configuring power management, see your NEC Versa LXi User’s