Issue 1.0
Multimedia Conference Bridge Installation Manual
5 - 17
Since the Conference Bridge application is used for conducting the
conferences, it becomes important to monitor the usage of the conference
bridge. The conference engine generates log entries of activities on the
conference bridge. These activities are maintained in the log database.
Conference Report Type
Detailed Report:
The detailed report provides details of conferences held for a given
date range. The information includes conference ID, start date and time end date and
time of the conference, number of parties attending the conference and duration of the
If the conference was recorded, this report also lists the conference file; a link is
provided in the detailed reports page to download the conference record file.
If voting sessions were held during the conference, this report shows the voting
details. Each conference can have multiple voting sessions; the details of all the
voting sessions held during the conference are shown in the detailed reports.
To view the voting details of a particular conference, click on the link for each
conference record under the voting column. The link is shown only if at least one
voting session is held for that conference.
The detailed reports also specify the number of records retrieved for the given date
input and the report generation date.
Summary Report:
The Summary Report, provides the summary of the usage of the
Conference Bridge. This includes the number of conferences held between the given
date range and total duration of all the conferences held between the given date
Date Range
Start Date
: The date the report starts,
End Date
: The date the report ends.
Figure 5-10 Reports Window