Chapter 1
This board is for evaluation of uPD168804 :4ch LED driver IC. This board is using buck converter
topology. (uPD168804 support both buck and boost topology.)
Since this board has regulator which generate DC5V from DC12V for driver IC operation, it is
possible to drive by single power supply from AC adapter (12V is recommended with operating
range from 9V to 16V).
By connecting MCU board to this board, it is also possible to evaluate PWM dimming control by
78K0/IA2 PWM Evaluation board
Host PC
Figure1 Evaluation environment example
1.1 Features of this board
The features of this board is as follows.
- 4ch LED driver IC : uPD168804GA
- Buck converter topology. Possible to use only single DC12V power supply
- Four LEDs are mounted (Lumileds K2; R,G,B,W)
- MCU interface connector enable for easy dimming evaluation by PWM
1.2 Support Modes
This board has two modes; stand alone mode and MCU control mode
- Stand alone mode
By setting DIP switch, it is possible to evaluate LED constant current drive.
- MCU control mode
By connecting MCU board such as “78K0/IA2 PWM Evaluation board (EZ-0006)”, it is possible
to evaluate PWM dimming control by MCU.
1.3 Related product information
As for the information of related products for this board, please see NEC Electronics Web site.