Installation Guide
QX-S5500 Series Ethernet Switches
6.2.4 Upgrade of software by Xmodem
When upgrading software by an Xmodem protocol, use a terminal emulation program which corresponds to an
Xmodem protocol.
A circuit band is small and Xmodem needs much time in software download work.
It's explained about an operational example of Hyper Terminal in Windows XP by this document.
1) Select "1" in the Boot Menu, and then press Enter to enter the download program
menu shown below:
Bootrom update menu:
1. Set TFTP protocol parameter
2. Set FTP protocol parameter
3. Set XMODEM protocol parameter
0. Return to boot menu
2) Select "3" in the download program menu to download the software by using Xmodem.
Please push down <Enter>. The system displays the following download baud rate
setting menu:
Please select your download baudrate:
1. 9600
2. 19200
3. 38400
4. 57600
5. 115200
0. Return
Enter your choice (0-5):5
3) Select an appropriate download baud rate. For example, if you select "5", the 115200
bps rate is chosen, and the system displays the following information:
Download baudrate is 115200 bps.Please change the terminal's baudrate to 115200
bps, and select XMODEM protocol.
Press enter key when ready.
4) Change the baud rate setting of a setting terminal so that a baud rate may become
same as the download speed of the software with a prompt above-mentioned. If baud
rate setting by a setting terminal is completed, a terminal is cut and it's connected
again. Please begin to push down <Enter> and download it. The following information
is shown to a terminal.
Now please start transfer file with XMODEM protocol.
If you want to exit, Press <Ctrl+X>.
Downloading ...CCCCC
After changing the baud rate of a terminal, the new settings can take effect only after you reestablish the
5) Select [Transfer\Send File] in the HyperTerminal’s window. Click Browse in the pop-up
dialog box (as shown in Figure 6-1) to select the application file to be downloaded (for
example,, and select Xmodem from the Protocol drop-down list.