NEC Drivers and Utilities 4-45
Checking Selected Files
To continue the restoration process, check the files to be
restored as follows.
Look at the list of files in the “Check list of files to be
restored” area of the screen.
If you need to add any files to the list, go back to the
preceding section and repeat those steps.
If you need to remove any files from the list, do so as
To remove any selected files, highlight the filename
and click “Delete item in list.” This method lets you
remove one item at a time.
To remove the entire list, click “Clear list.”
Once the list is set, continue to the next section.
Restoring the Files
Complete the restoration process as follows.
In the “Restore the files from the CD” area of the screen,
locate the two options:
Restore the files listed — this option lets you proceed
with the restoration and continue to the next step. Go
to the next step to complete the restoration.
Cancel — click this option to cancel the restoration.
This returns you to the NEC System Restore menu.
To proceed with the restoration, click “Restore the files
listed.” When the restoration is completed, a file restore
message appears.
If you replaced any Windows system files, exit Windows
and restart the system.