Portrait Mode
Rotating the Display
The display must be rotated clockwise so the input panel is at the bottom and vents are at the top.
Rotating the display counter-clockwise will not allow the unit to cool properly and will void the warranty.
Rotating Source Content
Note: The display is not capable of rotating any source content.
Pivot® software from Portrait Displays, Inc. (www.portrait.com) allows you to rotate the Windows operating system 90 degrees. This
software installs in Windows on the PC and allows you to select landscape or rotate 90 degrees to portrait mode. Everything
running in the Windows environment is also rotated.
Note: All displays connected to the PC will have to support rotating to portrait mode.
NTSC Video
NTSC Video has to be brought into a PC with the appropriate hardware and software, and sent back out through the PC graphics
output. The method to rotate the video would then be the same as above and done within the PC Windows environment.
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