NEC Display Solutions of America, Inc.
Rev 1.0
To communicate to each display over the RS232 connection, make sure that the first display
(monitor ID 1) has its IR control set to ‘Primary’, while all others are set to ‘Secondary’. The
displays should automatically be set to ‘RS232’ for their external control but this should be
checked as well. When all is set, press the ‘Display’ button and the Monitor ID and Target
ID should come up in the left corner of each screen. Use the [+] and [-] buttons on the
remote to change the Target ID to the desired display you wish to communicate with then
press ‘Display’ again. If the menu is then pressed, the OSD menu should appear on the
screen of the desired ID.
Use the TileMatrix feature to setup the 2x2 Video Wall. The Tilematrix feature of the NEC
Display allows for one image to be expanded and displayed over a 2x2 Video Wall Setup.
This is accessed through the OSD (On-Screen Display) Controls under the “MULTI-DSP”
main menu icon. Under the TileMatrix sub-menu, enable the feature and set the necessary
parameters that match the 2x2 Video Wall setup. Note that this step will need to be
completed for each screen.
Select if TileComp is necessary for this application or not. TileComp works in tandem with
TileMatrix to compensate for the width of the tiled bezels in order to accurately display the
image. Click ‘YES’ on enable to display video wall. Note that this step will need to be
completed for each screen.
If you are experiencing issues with this setup, please call our Technical Support number at
(800) 632-4622