N3105 ‘s usermanual
10.1 Boxman
The game principal is that the box man may be controlled with direction key “up”, “down”, “left” and
“right” to move all boxes only forward to target location, and upon the completion of one stage, the next one
shall commence. Besides, press the left Soft key to replay this game from current state, or the right Soft key
and the End key to auto-save and exit this game.
10.2 Snake
The game principal is that one snake may be driven in any direction other than forward with the key “up”,
“down”, ”left” and “right” to eat food and avoid the touch with its body and wall. Besides, press the left soft
key once to pause this game and again to restore it, or the right soft key under game state to manual save and
exit this game, or the End key to auto-save and exit this game.
10.3 Tetris
The screen under the game is composed of two zones: game play zone and prompt zone. Diamonds are
typical Russian diamonds in nine schemes. The game principal is that if each line is full filled with diamonds,
it shall disappear and a bonus shall be given (more bonus shall be given if more lines disappear at one time),
and that this game is ended if diamonds are up to the top resulting in the insufficient space for new diamonds
to fall. Beside, the prompt zone shows user’s current credit and the shape of next diamond, and the degree of
difficulty is adjustable.