• To switch mobile phone answer mode
Depending on the specifications of a mobile
phone, the operation to start a conversation af-
ter answering the incoming call with the mobile
phone is different. You can start a call smooth-
ly by setting the mobile phone answer mode
according the specifications of each mobile
phone. Choose the mobile phone answer
mode corresponding to the mobile phone in
Smart Device Type (Type 1):
When you answer an incoming call with the
mobile phone, the answered call will be
switched from DT830 Series/DT430 Series to
the mobile phone automatically.
Smart Device Type (Type 2):
It is used for the type of mobile phones that de-
lays the start of a conversation when it an-
swers the call on Type 1.
STEP 1: Press and hold the Path key when the
terminal is in idle status.
STEP 2: You will hear a beep tone when the
terminal mode is switched.
Smart Device Type (Type 1): The beep
tone sounds once.
Smart Device Type (Type 2): The beep
tone sounds twice.
Depending on the type of mobile phone, a delay on
the starting of the conversation may happen.
When you use this mode for a mobile phone that
can start immediately a conversation with Type 1,
the call may be on the DT830 Series/DT430
For details of recommended type of mode, contact
the system administrator.