D-TECT IP User Manual NE41 15012-02 v1.0
The unit can be powered either from
a PoE switch or from a AC/DC adaptor
Connect the LAN cable from the
switch to connector 2
• If the units starts up, the switch has
PoE capability and no AD/DC adap
tor is required
• If the unit doesn’t start up the
switch has no PoE capability and an
AC/DC adaptor is required
Only use AC adaptor with part number: NE
31 03001-01 (Eurostick).
Mount the unit on the wall by us
ing screws in the key holes on the
bottom side. The distance between
the screws must be 90 mm. A good
place to mount the unit is just be
low the celing and letting the cables
go upwards to the ceiling
The unit is normally configured with
a static IP-address If
the unit should use dynamic address
distribution (DHCP) it’s possible to
ping the unit’s NetBIOS name. Then
the name is then dipxxxx, where xxxx
is the unit’s serial number (found on
the bottom label)
For advanced configuration, access
the unit from a web browser, i.e. enter in the address field
LED on means the unit is up and run
ning and there is a TCP connection to
A flashing LED means there is no con
nection to the D-SERVER or another
problem, e.g. no IP-address in the