Display confidence.
5 MP Grayscale
The Dome E5 grayscale display is
intended for the most demanding
diagnostic applications, including
mammography and digital
projection radiography. The digital
images captured by these acquisi-
tion modalities can exceed 12 MP
per image. The Dome E5 provides
the highest resolution possible to
minimize panning when viewing
images at 1:1 resolution. The
Dome DA
technology provides
seamless image manipulation
and smooth window leveling,
and supports open architecture
graphics standards for three-
dimensional and volumetric
rendering applications. With
full DICOM conformance, auto -
matic calibration, and remote
monitoring and maintenance,
the Dome E5 is ideal for the most
demanding PACS.
1024 calibrated gray shades
3061 grayscale palette for
optimized calibration
800:1 contrast ratio
750 cd/m
Automatic DICOM calibration
2 MP Grayscale
The Dome E2 grayscale display is a
cost effective imaging solution ideal
for use in CT, US, and MR. The Dome
E2 offers open architecture support
for faster display performance and
allows for seamless integration of
future enhancements. With a flexible
architecture that provides users the
ability to gain access to state of the
art graphics standards that are
available today, the Dome E2 is
an ideal choice for a distributed
PACS environment. Dome CXtra
software provides the Dome E2 with
continuous automatic calibration
and ensures DICOM conformance.
1024 calibrated gray shades
3061 grayscale palette for
optimized calibration
850:1 contrast ratio
1140 cd/m
operating brightness
Automatic DICOM calibration
3 MP Grayscale
The Dome E3 grayscale display is
intended for diagnostic imaging
for CT, MR, CR, DR and nuclear and
can be viewed in both portrait and
landscape modes. The Dome E3
display supports an open architec-
ture design which allows users to
gain access to state-of-the-art
graphics standards, and also has
the capability of high-speed 3D and
volumetric rendering for navigation
and visualization functionality.
Dome CXtra Software provides
full DICOM conformance testing
capabilities, reporting, and remote
management, making this an ideal
display for your PACS system.
1024 calibrated gray shades
3061 grayscale palette for
optimized calibration
900:1 contrast ratio
1000 cd/m
operating brightness
Automatic DICOM calibration