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User Guide V01.06
General information
Orderman GmbH (Part of NCR Corporation)
Use only an original Orderman battery pack. When using a battery that is not
compatible with the model, there is a risk of explosion.
Charge the battery only in the Orderman service station provided.
Use only the original Orderman power supply for the service station or multi
service station.
In case of significant damage to the battery, replace it immediately.
Do not expose the battery to excessive heat, open flame or corrosive liquids.
Never short-circuit the contacts since there is an explosion hazard.
Charging temperature 0-35° C (ambient temperature)
Lithium ion batteries must be disposed of in line with valid disposal guidelines. If
a lithium ion battery to mechanical damage (breakage, cracking, etc.), this
be disposed of as hazardous waste (local guidelines).
Safety information for barcode reader (laser)
The NCR Orderman7
unit is equipped with a laser. The laser meets the specifications for a class 2
laser (DIN EN 60825-1 or IEC 60825-1/01.2001).
Laser class 2
Class 2 includes lasers in the visible range for which an irradiation of less than 0.25ms
to the eye is not harmful. 0.25ms corresponds to a natural eyelid reflex that can
automatically protect the eye sufficiently against prolonged irradiation. These devices
are considered safe as long as medication does not increase the response time of the
eye significantly, and users do not intentionally look into the laser beam (suppressing
the eyelid reflex).
Never aim the laser beam at another person's eyes!
Never intentionally stare directly into the beam!
If the laser beam hits the eye, quickly close your eyes and immediately move your
head away from the beam.
Avoid reflections from reflective surfaces (reflections can amplify the laser light).
The reading window (where the laser beam is emitted) should be cleaned
regularly. A dirty reading window may lead to uncontrolled activation of the laser
Repairs to the laser may be performed only by authorized service technicians.