Wi-Fi Router Set Up
Step 1:
Make sure the power plug is
plugged into the Wi-Fi Router. Fig 1
Step 2:
Insert your full sized SIM Card into the SIM Slot on the side of your
Wi-Fi Router. Fig 2
Step 3:
Now plug in the power plug into the side of the Wi-Fi Router. Fig 3
Step 4:
On your smart device, open the WiFi se�ngs and locate the device
“WIFI-59F634” Fig 4. (this is a unique number for every unit which will be
different) and click on it. You now should be connected to WiFi. Fig 5
Step 5:
On your smart device open any web browser and in the web
address bar type in and click Go. Fig 6. Welcome Page,
Now click in the white bar and type in “admin” and click LOGIN. Fig 7
Step 6:
In the top le� hand corner, click on the menu bars Fig 8, and click
WiFi Set Up. Fig 9
To change your WiFi name, click on the “WIFI-59F634” Fig 10, and
backspace on these digits and type in your own personal WiFi name
e.g.: MYWIFI. Fig 11, Now click on the WPA PSK: (no encryp�on) arrow Fig 12,
and click on (encryp�on)
make sure you backspace on any previous
digits and type in your own personal password e.g.: ABCD1234 Fig 13, and
then click on save. In the top right hand corner click on the body symbol
and click on Logout Fig 14, and then you may close the web browser.
Step 7:
Now go back into your smart device se�ngs, locate your personal
WiFi name “MYWIFI” and click on it. Now type in your new password
“ABCD1234” and click connect.
You are now connected to your new personalized WiFi Network. Fig 15