NCast Presentation Recorder Reference Manual
9. Presentation Recorder Interfaces
9.1. S
Commands to control the Presentation Recorder over an RS-232 style serial interface are documented in the
Presentation Recorder Serial Interface Specification
. Please refer to that document for complete details.
9.2. T
Commands to control the Presentation Recorder over an IP network interface using industry standard Telnet
protocol are documented in the
Presentation Recorder Serial Interface Specification
. Please refer to that
document for complete details.
NCast offers several example programs which allow operation of the Presentation Recorder using the Telnet
Interface. One such program is called the “Presentation Recorder Management System” and there is a
version written in Java and Python. See the “Download” area of the NCast web site. An example of the
interface implemented by TMS is shown here:
For simple operations such as starting and stopping a Presentation Recorder from a controlling system,
simple scripts will be adequate. For example, to start a Presentation Recorder here is a sample script:
# Starts Presentation Recorder session using telnet interface
if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
echo "This script starts a Presentation Recorder session using the telnet interface."
echo "Synopsis: start.sh address password channel"
( echo "IdTelnet,002,$PASSWORD"
sleep 1
echo "C$3"
sleep 1
echo "QT"
sleep 1 ) | telnet $ADDRESS 7474 >& /dev/null
Stopping a session utilizes this script:
# Stops a Presentation Recorder session using the telnet interface
NCast Corporation
Revision 1.1
Page 85