3) How to add an account
Your tablet works best when it is
paired with a Google account. Google
provides many services that can
unleash the power of your tablet - all
free of charge!
1. Tap the clock.
2. Tap the Settings icon.
3. Tap Settings to view the settings screen.
4. Scroll the left panel down until you see the ACCOUNTS section. Tap Add
5. Tap Google to start adding a Google account.
If you don’t have a Google account, sign up for a new
one. Otherwise, tap Existing to link your Google account
to your tablet. Follow the on-screen instructions to fin-
ish adding your Google account.
If the tablet is not connected to the Internet, the tablet
will turn the Wi-Fi radio on and walk you through some
steps in order to get connected.
4) How to connect to the Internet
After the tablet turns on the Wi-Fi radio automatically, the tablet will scan
for available networks. (You can also turn the Wi-Fi radio on from the Set-
tings screen.)
1. Tap the name of your network to select it from the list.