1. TimeZero™ Products under My TimeZero™
NavNet TZtouch2 models TZTL12F/15F have utilized internet connectivity for such features as weather
downloads, chart unlocking, and software udpates. Now, TZTL12F/15F v3.01 offers new solutions via
clould, such as finding friends and saving settings.
New clould solutions will be available for TimeZero™ products including NavNet TZtouch (models
TZT9/14/BB), NavNet TZtouch2 (TZTL12F/15F), MaxSea/Nobeltec TimeZero™ PC software, and
MaxSea/Nobeltec TimeZero™ App for iPad. These products are networked under My TimeZero™,
where you have a variety of unique features by registering your ID and connecting them to the Internet. This
document describes how you can utilize the cloud solution by My TimeZero™ with TimeZero™ products.
NavNet TZtouch2 is the first product to have cloud compatibility, while others products will follow. You can
utilize the functions introduced below on the TZTL12F/15F v3.01 only