The buttons typically “belong to” the knob they are above/under, switching some pa
rameter in the same effects section that the knob controls; for example you could find
a button that switches between bandpass and lowpass filter modes above a knob that
adjusts the cutoff frequency of that filter.
The leftmost two knobs of the top row are typically assigned to filter cutoff frequency
and pitch type parameters, respectively. If there are more than two of this type of pa
rameter to be assigned, additional knobs are used, usually row 1/knob 3 and row 2 /
knob 2.
The rightmost knob of row 1 and the rightmost knob of row 2 are typically assigned to
LFO rate/waveform or other modulation parameters; if there are more modulation pa
rameters to be mapped, we first “grab” row 2, knob 3, then row 1, knob 3.
The second knob from the left of row 2 is usually mapped to some parameter that
mixes parts of the effects chain; it might crossfade between two parallel signal paths,
or control reverb mix amount etc.
The third knobs from the left of both row 1 and 2 are mapped according to the re
quirements of the effect, but you’ll often find granular or “color” parameters mapped
to the top one and delay or feedback/intensity type parameters mapped to the bottom
Ensemble Wrapper Controls Mapping
The four ensemble wrapper sounds, identified by their prefix “SSFX,” are a little different:
they utilize two or more pages of controls, to map all parameters of the ensembles to the
6.4 Sound Variations
Each of the 150 KORE Sounds contains eight Sound Variations accessed via the morphing
pad. As the underlying effects structure is typically very complex, and the KORE / KORE
PLAYER controls typically have a very large parameter control range, the Sound Variations
will often sound very different to each other. So in many cases, they’re effectively not real
ly “variations” on one effect, but rather, they are effects in their own right. Make sure you
check all eight variations of a KSD so you don’t miss anything!
Sound Variations
DEEP FREQ - Manual - 48