607 Challenger
Series |
www.natvac.com | 800.253.5500
28� Install two (2) four-way
gaskets to the housing
Reinstall the four way mani-
fold, making sure to line up the
square port on the housing with
the square port on the four way
Replace any gaskets / O-rings
as needed�
29� We highly recommend pres-
sure testing your pump for
leaks before putting it to
work� We test our pumps at
20 psi of pressure�
Put a 3” Male NPT plug in the
exhaust port and a similar
adapter that can connect to a
controlled pressurized air supply
in the inlet�
Spraying your pump with soapy
water while pressurized will
expose any bubbling air leaks in
your vacuum pump�
30� Reconnect the pump to its
oil reservoir and start at a
slow R�P�M�
Run the pump for a few min-
utes to allow oil to fill the lines.
Inspect the translucent oil lines
to check that oil is flowing.
The pump is now ready to go
to work!