SCXIbus to SCXI-1104/C module rear
signal connector to DAQ device pin
equivalencies (table), 3-6
specifications, A-2
unavailable signals with DAQ device
connected (table), B-3
conventions used in manual, ix-x
related documentation, x-xi
dynamic characteristics, A-2
EEPROM Register, 5-3
environment specifications, A-3
filter specifications, A-3
front signal connector, 3-2 to 3-4
analog input signal connections,
3-3 to 3-4
exceeding input damage level
(caution), 3-3
functional description, 5-3
pin assignments (figure), 3-2
signal descriptions (table), 3-3
indirect scanning, 5-3
installation, 2-2 to 2-8
connecting SCXI-1104/C to DAQ device
for multiplexed scanning
in PXI combination chassis,
2-5 to 2-6
in SCXI chassis, 2-3 to 2-5
removing SCXI-1104/C, 2-11 to 2-14
from Measurement & Automation
Explorer, 2-13 to 2-14
from SCXI chassis, 2-11 to 2-13
into SCXI chassis, 2-2 to 2-3
software installation, 2-1
unpacking SCXI-1104/C, 1-3
SCXI channel string, 4-2 to 4-3
virtual channel string, 4-3 to 4-4
low-level DAQ functions, in multiplexed
scanning, 4-4 to 4-5
manual. See documentation.
MCH0+ signal (table), 3-5
MCH0- signal (table), 3-5
Measurement & Automation Explorer
auto-detecting modules, 2-7
configuration procedure, 2-6 to 2-7
configuration/reconfiguration, 2-9
manually adding modules, 2-8
removing SCXI-1104/C, 2-13 to 2-14
self-test verification, 2-10
troubleshooting, 2-10 to 2-11
Module ID Register, 5-2
multiplexed scanning, 4-1 to 4-5
channel addressing, 4-2 to 4-3
LabVIEW and SCXI channel string,
4-2 to 4-3
LabVIEW and virtual channel string,
4-3 to 4-4
connecting SCXI-1104/C to DAQ device
in PXI combination chassis,
2-5 to 2-6
in SCXI chassis, 2-3 to 2-5
overview, 4-1
performing scans
C and low-level DAQ functions,
4-4 to 4-5
steps, 4-4