Connector Care
The NI 5630 is a high-accuracy precision laboratory device and should be carefully handled.
Follow the precautions listed in this section when handling or connecting devices. Complying
with these precautions guarantees longer component life and lower equipment downtime
because of connector or device failure.
Tighten Connectors Without Rotating the Center Pin
Never tighten the connectors, adapters, or cables such that the center pin rotates. Damage
occurs to the mating plane surfaces if the center pin rotates.
Avoid Touching Connectors with Bare Hands
Avoid touching connector mating planes with bare hands. Natural skin oils and microscopic
dirt particles are difficult to remove.
Observe Pin Depth of Mating Connectors
Make sure to use the proper connectors to mate with the NI 5630. NI recommends that you use
precision or instrument or metrology grade Type-K, 2.92 mm, 3.5 mm, or SMA connectors.
Always check the point depth of a connector with a pin depth gauge before use to determine
whether the pin depth is within the specified range.
Avoid Lateral Pressure
Never put lateral pressure on the center pin of the connector.
Always Torque Connectors to 0.9 N · m Using a Torque Wrench
Do not overtorque connectors; doing so may damage the connector center pin. Always use a
0.9 N · m (8 in-lb) torque wrench when tightening 2.92 mm, 3.5 mm, and SMA connectors.
Finger-tighten N-type connectors.
use pliers.
Avoid Mechanical Shock
Precision connectors are designed to withstand years of normal bench handling. Handle the
connectors carefully and avoid dropping them. Mechanical shock significantly reduces their
service life.
Avoid Applying Excessive Power
The NI 5630 is rated for a specific maximum continuous input power. Exceeding the
maximum input power level permanently damages the internal components. Before making
connections, verify the maximum input levels labeled below the ports on the module front
Clean Connectors Carefully
Dirt and other contamination on the connector interfaces can affect the performance of the RF
components. To clean the connector interfaces, use only pure isopropyl alcohol as a cleaning
solvent. Do not use excessive amounts of alcohol, as this prolongs drying time. Apply the
alcohol with a foam-tipped swab instead of cotton swabs, because the cotton can become
lodged in the connector.
NI PXIe-5630 Getting Started Guide