NI PXI-5650/5651/5652 Calibration Procedure
© National Instruments
17. Connect the 6 dB precision attenuator to the PXI-5650/5651/5652 RF OUT front panel
18. Connect the spectrum analyzer RF IN connector to the 6 dB precision attenuator.
You must use the same attenuator you used in the
19. Call the niRFSG 5652 Initialize Attenuator Calibration VI, and set the
parameter to
Below -40 dBm
20. Call the niRFSG 5652 Configure Attenuator Calibration VI.
21. Use the spectrum analyzer to measure the mean power of the RF output using the following
spectrum analyzer settings:
Center frequency: Value returned by the
frequency to measure
parameter of the
niRFSG 5652 Configure Attenuator Calibration VI
Reference level: -38 dBm
Frequency span: 0 Hz
Resolution bandwidth: 30 Hz
Sweep time: 5 ms
Reference Clock source: External
22. Add the
Spectrum Analyzer Correction Factor
recorded in the
section to the power measurement from step 21 at the corresponding frequency.
23. Call the niRFSG 5652 Adjust Attenuator Calibration VI, and wire the measured value from
step 22 to the
measured RF OUT power
24. Repeat steps 20 through 23 until the
attenuator calibration complete
parameter of the
niRFSG 5652 Adjust Attenuator Calibration VI returns a value of TRUE.
25. Call the niRFSG Close External Calibration VI to close the session. Set the
calibration to hardware?
parameter to TRUE to store the results to the EEPROM on the
Adjusting ALC Limits
This procedure updates the ALC limits table of the device based on the results of the ALC and
attenuator adjustments. The ALC limits table determines which attenuator and path NI-RFSG
uses for each frequency and power combination. Complete the following steps to adjust the ALC
limits table of the PXI-5650/5651/5652:
Call the niRFSG Initialize External Calibration VI.
Call the niRFSG 5652 Update ALC Limits Table VI, and set the
update max power spec
parameter to FALSE and the
update other table limits
parameter to TRUE.
Call the niRFSG Close External Calibration VI to close the session. Set the
calibration to hardware?
parameter to TRUE to store the results to the EEPROM on the