NI PXI-5650/5651/5652 Calibration Procedure
© National Instruments
Verifying Harmonics at -50 dBm (Functional Test)
Complete the following steps to verify the harmonic levels of the PXI-5650/5651/5652 module
using a spectrum analyzer:
Connect the PXI-5650/5651/5652 REF IN/OUT front panel connector to the rubidium
10 MHz frequency reference signal.
Connect the 6 dB precision attenuator to the PXI-5650/5651/5652 RF OUT front panel
Connect the spectrum analyzer RF INPUT connector to the 6 dB precision attenuator.
Connect the rubidium 10 MHz frequency reference signal to the spectrum analyzer
10 MHz REF IN rear panel connector.
Configure the spectrum analyzer with the following settings:
Center frequency: 10 MHz
Reference level: -45 dBm
Resolution bandwidth: 50 Hz
Frequency span: 500 Hz
Reference Clock source: External
Generate a signal after setting the following NI-RFSG property settings:
Power Level (dBm): -50 dBm
Frequency (Hz): 10 MHz
Generation Mode: CW
Reference Clock source: RefIn
Measure the peak signal value of the fundamental frequency using the current settings on
the spectrum analyzer. Record this value.
Reconfigure the spectrum analyzer with the following settings:
Center frequency: Twice the center frequency from step 5
Reference level: -45 dBm
Resolution bandwidth: 50 Hz
Frequency span: 500 Hz
Reference Clock source: External
Measure the peak signal value of the second harmonic using the settings of the spectrum
analyzer configured in step 8. Record this value.
10. Subtract the measurement in step 7 from the measurement in step 9.